Education In Covid-19

Admission Guidance
3 min readMay 3, 2021

Education is a basic right of every citizen in India. Every year a number of schemes launched for welfare of the education sector, so that each child takes benefits. But since March, 2020 when lockdown was implemented. Each and Every sector of society is affected due to Covid-19. Market, companies, automobile industry and a number of other companies faced losses. But more than that education sector has suffered. Shortly after implementation of lockdown, the schools and universities realised that the situation was still not going to improve and the opening of the campus was not appropriate yet.

All schools and universities started resorting to new technology to teach children without delay. Online classes started, everyone appreciated this step and government schools also started working on the same lines. But in the short time, its flaws started to appear and the issue is how children can continue their studies that don’t have Smartphones and internet connection. Where today in India still many people die of hunger and in the absence of basic needs, the children reach school with great difficulty. The government took the initiative and introduced a number of educational programs for students, such as One Class One Channel. This program is for students who are from rural areas of India.

Meeting apps like Zoom and Google Meat are becoming a trend in the market.

From market analysis, many educational channels, educational apps developed by technicians at the time of Corona.

Online classes are not new for students. The students who don’t have money go to institutions where students continue their study through online mediums.

But all students are not used to it. Shift from traditional education to online education it is not easy for those who aren’t aware of technology. Many Suicide cases of the students reported in this time, because they were not able to continue their study through online classes due to poor connections and any other reason.

Government and private authorities promoted students into the next class without any examination.

Universities students were also promoted under the same criteria.

Creative learning, traditional learning in the classroom, is at the point of ending due to pandemic.

Children study on an online medium , some top courses in Covid-19 to study about. . They use Phone all day for homework for classes. More use of screens impacts their eyesight and directly their health.

UGC passed university students on the basis of assignments.

Many students make their assignments by copy paste method. Anti plagiarism software is becoming the trend of the market. In 2020 many software are being used by universities and colleges to check the credibility of the assignment. Free anti plagiarism detector developing by the creators.

According to a report, anti-plagiarism software for the education sector is growing very rapidly during 2020–2024.

Educational institutes are now making the most use of this software. Due to which a market trend is being set, and the demand for such software is increasing.

According to health science, the corona affected the psychology of students, their thinking, learning and memory capacity.

because they don’t study the subject but due to corona they are promoted into the next class.

Many online learning platforms and software's are developed in the time of pandemic. This development gave a great hike in the market. But on the other side corona affects the learning process and the mental health of students.

Students suffered more losses than institutions.

because students are missing their important phase of life.

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